Sunday, 10 April 2016

All about Air Purifiers and Formaldehyde

BY Cavarii IN , , 4 comments

We spend majority of our times in-door Since we spend so much time inside, it is important for us to learn how to reduce or eliminate this dangerous chemical from our homes. Formaldehyde” is some terms where only scientists and high schoolers dissecting frogs tend to be familiar with the chemical. What’s the big deal? Formaldehyde is one of the most common toxic substances...

All about Air pollutions, Xiaomi air Purifiers and Filters

BY Cavarii IN , , , 25 comments

Haze has been an ongoing problem in many countries in the Southeast Asia region, and Malaysia is one of the worst affected. The haze crisis grips the region nearly every year during the dry season, when agricultural land is illegally cleared by burning in Indonesia. During the haze period Malaysian skies will be a smoky grey for most of the months. Get the...